About Shailesh Patel

Toronto's Top Brokerage Team

We Love To Explore New Challenges & Markets

Our full focus is to complete your real estate transaction to your satisfaction. We work for you to get job done so well that you will always want to fulfill your real estate needs and always tell your friends and family about your good experience. We are mostly referred by a friend most of our business comes from referrals and repeat customers. You can always call us for your no-obligation home evaluation and / or find your perfect dream home with us.

Tailormade Just For You

Completely Personalized
End to End Service

Selling your property can be overwhelming, we understand seriousness and that is why we can provide free no-obligation home evaluation. we do in debt analysis of your property and look at all the factors which can affect the price of your property and provide you with options and guidance so that you can make a informed decision.

This Is Our Passion

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Explore Toronto

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Great Views. Amazing homes. Toronto & GTA.

What We Can
Do For You

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Experienced Agents

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Expert Negotiators

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Amazing Testimonials

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Commited Team

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New Media Professionals

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Serving All San Diego

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Top Performing Agents

Meet The Team

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